Saturday, April 14, 2012

I've had so many thoughts tonight about things I want to talk about. Men as warriors. What got me started was Mrs. Romney talking about "letting" her husband work. LOL! And why I married my dad.
Then I also thought about women's issues. Abortion, equal pay, stay at home moms and their worth. Wow. Where do I start about that?
About being Christian. How so many of my friends feel so threatened by it, when I don't feel I've changed that much, I've just declared something out loud.
SO many things, so many thoughts. So much at once. I need a tape recorder so I can catch this all while I"m thinking of it!
Well. I've had this page set aside since 2008 apparently. I meant to write a blog. I totally did. Somehow, time just got away from me.
Suddenly I feel like I have something to talk about, but hardly know where to start.
I wonder why I feel the need to "share" at all. Why do I want to write about myself and my life?
Do I really want to put myself out there like that?
Yes. Maybe I'm a masochist. Maybe I'm just an exhibitionist. Maybe I want to connect with others who feel just like me, or can understand where I am, who I am, where I'm going.
I've been really inspired by the many blogs and facebook profiles I've been following for some time now.
I have in me a deep desire to perform, to help others, to make people laugh, or feel, or think.
I need to make some sort of impact. NEED IT.